
Dem Strategist Admits MAGA Threat to Black Vote Loyalty!

Democratic Rep. Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, who also serves as the co-chair of President Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign, expressed his concern about Biden’s performance among black voters during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Clyburn emphasized his concerns, stating, “I have no problem with the Biden administration and what it has done. My problem is that we have not been able to break through that MAGA wall in order to get to people exactly what this president has done.”

One of Biden’s critics, Javon Price, took to social media to criticize Clyburn and the Congressional Black Caucus, stating that the “playbook of guilt tripping and gaslighting us into voting Democrat needs to stop.” Price called for a shift towards pushing policies rather than relying on guilt tactics to secure votes.

Former President Donald Trump has garnered attention for potentially attracting record-breaking support from black voters in the upcoming election. Trump has maintained a steady level of support among black voters at 25 percent, according to a Bloomberg review of polling. Although Biden still leads with 61 percent of black voter support, his numbers fell by seven points between October and December. This decline may be attributed to economic concerns and a sense of unfulfilled loyalty to the Democratic Party among black Americans.

Political strategist Ronnie Oliva highlighted the growing desperation among black voters, noting their desire to find a candidate who will address their agenda. Some have turned to Trump, believing that he may prioritize their needs. In response, Jason Miller, a senior adviser to the Trump campaign, asserted that Trump would make a strong effort to appeal to the African American community.

In an effort to sway black voters, informal Trump campaign advisor Darrell Scott encouraged them to vote for Trump, claiming that the Democratic Party has not shed its perceived anti-Black reputation, whereas Trump is seen differently. These statements underscore the potential shift in support among black voters in the upcoming election.

The Western Journal’s Deputy Managing Editor, Josh Manning, stressed the significance of the 2024 election, citing former U.S. National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s warning about the uncertain future of elections. Manning emphasized the need for direct support from readers to combat the influence of Big Tech and ensure the preservation of American values.

As the election approaches, the dynamics of black voter support and the efforts made by political figures to appeal to this demographic will continue to be a focal point of discussion and analysis.

Written by Staff Reports

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