
Democrat Defies Party, Champions School Choice Revolution

Democratic Louisiana Rep. Jason Hughes shocks his party by backing school choice in a recent Committee on Appropriations meeting. Typically, the Democrats are all about government control, but Hughes dared to break ranks and stand up for parents and children who deserve better educational options. Good for him!

During the meeting, Hughes grilled Louisiana School Board Association exec Danny Garrett about his opposition to the bill that could create education savings accounts. Garrett tried to defend public schools, but Hughes was having none of it. He pointed out the harsh reality of the failing public school system, with a whopping 67% of 3rd graders unable to read. It’s about time someone spoke up for these kids!

Hughes didn’t hold back, challenging Garrett on what struggling families should do when their children are stuck in failing schools. He highlighted the importance of giving parents a choice in their children’s education, especially when trapped in a cycle of poverty. It’s refreshing to see a Democrat actually caring about these kids and not just toeing the party line.

In a surprising turn of events, the bill passed the committee with Hughes as the lone Democrat in support of the ESA model. Let’s hope the rest of his party takes note and starts prioritizing the needs of students over politics. School choice is a crucial step towards giving every child a shot at a quality education, and it’s heartening to see some politicians finally standing up for what’s right. Louisiana could soon join the ranks of states offering education savings accounts, following the lead of Alabama in putting students first. Kudos to Rep. Hughes for his courage and commitment to real change in education!

Written by Staff Reports

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