
Dems’ Judge Pick Flunks 2A Knowledge Test, Threatens Gun Rights

The Democratic nominee for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, Nancy Maldonado, may have some explaining to do when it comes to her stance on the Second Amendment. Considering she hails from the Northern District of Illinois, one of the most anti-gun states in the country, her support of a ban on so-called assault weapons is not exactly shocking. This is a red flag for any freedom-loving American who cherishes their right to bear arms.

During a grilling by Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), Maldonado stumbled over her own legal arguments, revealing her lack of expertise in the area of firearms. When pressed about her prior statements on banning assault weapons, she claimed not to be a gun expert and even failed to recall the exact definition of assault weapons. It’s mind-boggling that someone seeking a position on a federal appeals court, where Second Amendment cases are frequently heard, would display such ignorance on the issue.

Written by Staff Reports

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