
Dems Stall Mayorkas Trial, GOP Cries Foul on Sneaky Delay Tactics!

In a dramatic turn of events, the impeachment articles against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have been delayed in reaching the Senate. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and 11 House impeachment managers were scheduled to deliver the articles to the Senate on Wednesday, but at the last minute, they hit the brakes on that plan!

Republican senators have been crying foul, arguing that the Democrats are trying to table the motion and avoid a real trial. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, of course, is at the center of this Democratic plot, and the GOP isn’t having any of it! They’re determined to hold a proper trial and ensure that Mayorkas is held accountable for his actions. They won’t stand for any sneaky shenanigans to derail the process.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) boldly declared that the impeachment articles will come next Monday. That’s right, folks – mark it on your calendar!

Fox News reports that at least 10 Republican senators were actively pressuring Speaker Johnson to put the brakes on delivering the articles. They were onto Schumer’s scheme to rush the process and send everyone home for the weekend. But the GOP wasn’t about to let that happen! Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) were leading the charge to delay the articles to ensure there’s enough time for a thorough debate. They’re not going to let the Democrats sweep this under the rug!

The Republican senators are making it clear that tabling the trial would be “historic” because it’s unheard of for an impeachment trial to be shelved without the official first leaving office. This is uncharted territory, and the GOP isn’t going to let the Democrats trample all over the Constitution.

Despite some confusion among members, House Committee on Homeland Security Mark Green (R-TN) and Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) are fully backing the decision to delay the articles. They were in touch with their Senate Republican friends and were ready for the delay. Solidarity among conservatives is key to stopping the left’s underhanded tactics!

Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is keeping quiet about the whole situation, while Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan has been caught red-handed trying to “dispose” of the trial. The Democrats are out in full force to sabotage the process!

It’s clear as day that the Democrats are trying to pull a fast one on the American people. But the Republicans aren’t about to let that happen! They’re standing strong and making sure the trial against Mayorkas gets the fair treatment it deserves. Stay tuned for the next episode of “Democrats vs. the Constitution” – it’s sure to be a nail-biter!

Written by Staff Reports

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