
DeSantis Throws Lightning Bolt at ‘Big-Spending’ Trump and Biden!

Governor Ron DeSantis is really not holding back in his presidential campaign. In a bold move, his campaign released an ad on Wednesday that takes aim at former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden for their roles in skyrocketing the nation’s debt. And boy, oh boy, is there a lot of debt to talk about! The United States is currently sitting on a massive $32 trillion debt, and it’s only projected to get worse with an estimated federal deficit of nearly $2 trillion by the end of fiscal 2023.

DeSantis, known for his no-nonsense approach, declares in the ad, “This government is spending way too much money.” And you know what? He’s absolutely right! The COVID-era spending levels are simply out of control and totally unsustainable. It’s as if someone hit the “spend” button and never looked back. Trillions upon trillions of dollars have been borrowed, printed, and spent since March of 2020, all under the guise of COVID and other excuses.

But here’s the kicker: DeSantis doesn’t just point the finger at Biden. Oh no, he also calls out Trump for his involvement in the national debt. During Trump’s time in office, the nation’s debt increased by a whopping $7.4 trillion, reaching a total of $26.9 trillion by the end of fiscal 2020. Sure, some of that increase can be attributed to the pandemic, but let’s not forget that Congress also had a hand in passing legislation that doled out trillions of dollars to supposedly help the economy.

DeSantis ain’t mincing words, folks. He straight up says, “Republicans are very tough when they’re out of power, but when they get in power, they basically go on a spending binge too.” Ouch! And honestly, it’s hard to argue with him. The last five or six years have shown a pattern of excessive spending by the GOP.

But don’t worry, DeSantis has a solution. He proudly boasts about Florida’s budget surpluses and the state’s second-lowest per capita debt ratio in the entire country. He’s not afraid to use the veto pen to battle against excessive spending, and that’s the kind of attitude we need in a president!

It’s not just DeSantis who’s calling out Trump, though. Other Republican presidential candidates like Nikki Haley and Mike Pence are also criticizing the former president for his role in the nation’s debt. And to make matters worse for Biden, the Bureau of Labor Statistics just released an August inflation report showing a rise to 3.7%. Yikes! Looks like Bidenomics isn’t quite panning out the way he had hoped.

So there you have it, folks. Governor Ron DeSantis is not afraid to take on both sides of the aisle when it comes to our debt crisis. With his track record of budget surpluses and debt reduction in Florida, he’s making a strong case for why he should be the next president. Let’s hope the American people are listening because our nation’s finances are in desperate need of some conservative leadership.

Written by Staff Reports

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