
DeSantis Unleashes Shockwave: Torpedoes DEI Programs with Tighter Rules!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is not holding back when it comes to tackling the divisive and discriminatory nature of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs at state-funded colleges and universities. A leaked document obtained by The Chronicle of Higher Education reveals that DeSantis and his administration are working diligently to implement new regulations that will free students, faculty, and administrators from the grasp of these harmful programs.

The proposed regulations, set to take effect this spring, aim to restrict the use of funds by state universities and direct-support organizations. Under the new rules, no money, regardless of its source, may be spent to purchase membership in or services from organizations that discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or religion. It’s about time someone put a stop to these divisive and discriminatory practices!

Governor DeSantis, who signed the anti-DEI legislation earlier this year, emphasized the need to protect the progress made in improving public colleges and universities. He wants Florida’s institutions to foster diversity of thought, civil discourse, and the pursuit of truth for future generations. This is a refreshing approach that prioritizes academic freedom and intellectual diversity over ideological conformity.

In addition to the anti-DEI legislation, special institutes focused on civics will also be created. The Hamilton Center for Classical and Civic Education at the University of Florida, the Florida Institute of Politics at Florida State University, and the Adam Smith Center for Study of Economic Freedom will all play a crucial role in promoting a well-rounded education that prioritizes the principles of American democracy and free-market economics.

Unsurprisingly, the United Faculty of Florida, representing thousands of faculty members and graduate students, opposed the anti-DEI legislation. They claimed it would give the state control over viewpoints in higher education classrooms and turn colleges into partisan indoctrination factories. It’s ironic that they fail to acknowledge the indoctrination factories the left has turned our schools into with their insistence on pushing critical race theory and divisive identity politics. It’s about time we put an end to this nonsense and focus on providing a quality education to our students, free from political bias.

Overall, Governor DeSantis and his administration should be commended for their efforts to dismantle the DEI regime in Florida’s higher education system. These new regulations are a step in the right direction towards creating an inclusive and intellectually diverse learning environment. Let’s hope other states follow Florida’s lead and prioritize the pursuit of knowledge over divisive political agendas.

Written by Staff Reports

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