
Dexter Taylor: Patriot Targeted for Defending 2nd Amendment Rights!

Dana Loesch, the fearless conservative radio talk show host, recently sat down with Dexter “Carbon Mike” Taylor, a brave New Yorker facing prosecution for daring to exercise his Second Amendment rights. The story of Taylor being targeted by a joint ATF/NYPD coalition and having his home raided has ignited a firestorm within the pro-gun community.

Taylor, a software engineer and self-made gun manufacturer, told Loesch that he had no intentions of selling or transferring his firearms. These were his beloved weapons, each with their own name. He had dreams of starting a new career in weapon science and had plans to buy land in New Hampshire to build a gun lab. As a software and data guy, he wanted to bring his expertise to the world of firearms. But instead of being celebrated for his ambition and ingenuity, he found himself in the crosshairs of the law.

When the officers burst into Taylor’s home, he was lying in bed, innocently listening to an audiobook. He initially believed they had made a mistake and had raided the wrong house. But unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Taylor was taken to jail, then transferred to Rikers Island, where he spent a week behind bars, all because he dared to exercise his constitutional rights.

The hypocrisy of the left was not lost on Taylor, especially as a black man. He pointed out the contradiction in the rhetoric employed by anti-gun progressives. These were the same politicians who claimed that murderous white supremacists were lurking around every corner, yet they were the ones trying to disarm law-abiding citizens like Taylor. It’s baffling how they can claim to care about the safety of marginalized communities while blatantly disregarding their constitutional rights.

Taylor’s case is a crucial one for gun rights and could set a precedent for future prosecutions. If convicted, he could face up to 18 years in prison. But he remains unwavering in his fight for freedom. To support his legal battle against the state, Taylor has set up a GiveSendGo campaign, seeking help from fellow patriotic Americans who believe in the sanctity of the Second Amendment.

We must stand with individuals like Dexter Taylor, who embody the spirit of liberty and refuse to be stripped of their God-given rights. It is outrageous that in a city like New York, where criminals often walk free, a law-abiding citizen faces such severe consequences for simply exercising their Second Amendment rights. This case is a glaring example of the left’s obsession with disarming law-abiding citizens while turning a blind eye to real threats to public safety.

Let’s support Dexter Taylor and ensure that his fight for freedom becomes a rallying cry for all Americans who cherish their constitutional rights. It is time to stand up against the relentless assault on the Second Amendment and protect the legacy our Founding Fathers fought so hard to establish.

Written by Staff Reports

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