
Disney’s Woke Agenda Backfires with 1.3M Fleeing Subscribers!

The liberal elites at Disney are in for a rude awakening as their streaming service, Disney+, has suffered a devastating blow. Reports have surfaced that the woke, politically correct platform has lost a whopping 1.3 million subscribers in the final quarter of 2023. It seems that the American people have had enough of Disney’s left-wing propaganda and are finally pushing back against the company’s radical agenda.

In addition to the subscriber exodus, the entertainment behemoth has been embroiled in a series of scandals and legal battles. From the controversial firing of Gina Carano to a legal tussle with the esteemed Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, Disney’s reputation is in tatters. And let’s not forget the potential layoffs at Pixar and the mounting boycotts over disputes with X (formerly Twitter). It’s an absolute mess over at Disney headquarters, and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch.

Despite trying to squeeze more money out of its remaining customers with a price hike, Disney+ still couldn’t stem the tide of subscribers fleeing in droves. The higher prices might have fattened the company’s wallet a bit, but it certainly didn’t win over the hearts and minds of their audience. And to add salt to the wound, the subscription decline occurred at a time when Disney+ was actually making more money. It seems like the liberal infestation at Disney has finally backfired, and their woke agenda is proving to be a disaster for their bottom line.

The public’s disdain for Disney’s wokeness was on full display on social media, with scathing comments and mockery raining down on the company. The phrase “Go woke, go broke” has become a rallying cry for those who have had enough of Disney’s liberal indoctrination. The American people are standing up and saying, “Enough is enough!” as they reject Disney’s left-wing agenda.

But all hope is not lost for Disney, at least according to their spin doctors. Despite the catastrophic subscriber loss and the public relations nightmare, Disney is holding out hope for a turnaround. The company touts its cost savings and projects an eventual boost in subscribers. However, their optimistic outlook is facing an uphill battle as they try to repair the damage caused by their woke crusade.

The once-mighty Disney is now reeling from the consequences of its embrace of progressive politics, and the American people are letting their voices be heard. It’s a clear message to all corporations: go woke, and you will go broke. The American people will not stand for leftist propaganda infiltrating their entertainment, and Disney is learning that lesson the hard way.

Written by Staff Reports

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