
Dodgers Cave to Woke Mob, Honor Anti-Catholic “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence”

The Los Angeles Dodgers have once again bowed down to the all-powerful woke mob, as the team has decided to reinvite the local chapter of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence after disinviting them from their LGBTQ+ Pride Night earlier this month. These so-called “sisters,” who cross-dress as Roman Catholic nuns to mock the faith, were set to receive the “Community Hero Award” before the Dodgers caved to pro-LGBTQ+ pressure. The team even apologized, saying they had received “thoughtful feedback from our diverse communities” and had “honest conversations” within the franchise before making their decision.

The Dodgers will now allow these anti-Catholic radicals to take part in their pre-game 10th annual Pride Night ceremony on June 16, where they will celebrate “diversity and resilience” within the Dodgers fanbase. This is outrageous, as these “sisters” are known for their abhorrent behavior. Co-founders “Sister Vicious Power Hungry B*tch” and “Sister Missionary Position” once wore the habits of a Roman Catholic convent to a gay nude beach, and in 2007, they tricked the archbishop of San Francisco into giving them the Eucharist during Holy Communion. This past Easter Sunday, they hosted a “Jesus and Mary-themed striptease” where a pole dancer was “writhing upside down on a large wooden cross.”

Despite their disgusting actions, the “Sisters” will receive the “Community Hero Award” for their “countless hours of community service, ministry, and outreach to those on the edges,” according to the Dodgers. This is a complete insult to true heroes who deserve recognition for their hard work and dedication to their communities.

Many Catholics, including Senator Marco Rubio and the advocacy organization CatholicVote, were outraged when news broke of the “Sisters” being placed on a pedestal at Dodgers Stadium. CatholicVote even urged “every baseball fan in America” to contact the administration and demand that the award be scrapped, calling the “Sisters” a “hate group” and claiming that the Dodgers’ decision signals an “alarming,” “dangerous normalization of anti-Catholic bigotry that should not be tolerated.”

The Los Angeles Dodgers should be ashamed of themselves for their complete 180 on this issue. They have become the Budlight of baseball, and mocking Catholic nuns is apparently America’s new pastime.

Written by Staff Reports

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