
Elon Musk Readies for Legal Fight Following Shapiro’s GARM Censorship Revelation in Congress

Elon Musk Prepares for Legal Battle After Ben Shapiro Reveals GARM Censorship in Congressional Testimony

The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro recently testified in front of Congress, shedding light on the collusion between Democrats, mainstream media outlets, and the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) to stifle differing opinions on the internet. Among the platforms targeted was Elon Musk’s X, prompting Musk to gear up for a legal fight.

Shapiro’s testimony highlighted the efforts to censor and silence right-leaning websites like RedState and the Daily Wire, often labeling them as purveyors of “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Democrats were also implicated in pressuring social media platforms to suppress content that challenged their narrative, with Senator Dianne Feinstein warning tech giants to take action or face consequences.

Social media companies bowed to these threats by adopting standards set by left-wing groups like GARM, effectively creating a cartel that dictates what content is deemed “brand safe.” Shapiro revealed how the Daily Wire faced a significant increase in content enforcements following Feinstein’s warning, showcasing the impact of political pressure on online discourse.

The acquisition of Twitter by Musk saw GARM conspiring to slash the platform’s revenue, leading Musk to announce his intention to file lawsuits against those involved in the advertising boycott racket. However, it was revealed that X had previously partnered with GARM, raising questions about the future of their relationship amidst legal action. 


Despite the uncertainty surrounding X’s partnership with GARM, Musk’s decision to challenge the perpetrators of censorship and pressure tactics in court signifies a growing pushback against political interference in private enterprises. As Shapiro emphasized in his testimony, such actions undermine the principles of free speech and democracy, calling for an end to government-led censorship efforts.

As developments unfold, RedState will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates on Musk’s legal battles against GARM and its collaborators. The need for accountability and limits on political influence over private businesses remains a key focus in this ongoing saga.

Written by Staff Reports

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