
Explosive Hearing Reveals Biden’s Shady Deals, Dems Scramble to Hide Truth

Today’s explosive House Oversight Committee hearing had Democrats in an absolute tizzy as Hunter Biden’s former business associates spilled the tea on the Biden family’s shady dealings. Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis did not hold back as they testified that the Biden name was the golden ticket they were peddling, with connections straight to Joe Biden himself.

Watching the Democrats squirm in their seats was pure entertainment. Rep. Jamie Raskin lost his cool when Bobulinski called him a liar. I mean, who can blame them for getting rattled when their corruption is being exposed left and right? Even Chairman James Comer had to step in to wrangle in the chaos caused by the truth bombs dropping.

But the real highlight was when Bobulinski took on Rep. Ro Khanna, who scurried away like a scared mouse. Watching Goldman stutter and stumble after being called out as a liar was absolutely priceless. The Democrats were clearly on the back foot, and they didn’t like one bit of it. It’s about time the Biden family’s shady dealings were brought to light for all to see.

And if the drama inside the hearing room wasn’t enough, the Democrats resorted to childish antics outside. Did you hear about Rep. Jared Moskowitz donning a Putin mask to mock the proceedings? Talk about immature and downright idiotic. The Democrats’ feeble attempt at deflecting the truth with Russia Collusion 2.0 nonsense is laughable at best.

The laptop, the emails, Bobulinski, and Galanis – all real, all pointing to the Bidens and their dodgy connections. The Democrats are in panic mode because there’s no escaping the damning evidence against them. It’s time they faced the music and answered for their questionable dealings with foreign entities like Yelena Baturina and Chinese business associates.

But no, instead of addressing the serious allegations, they’d rather play petty games to shield Joe Biden from scrutiny. It’s clear they’re not to be taken seriously. Democrats would rather stoop to juvenile antics than come clean about the skeletons in their closet. Sad!

Written by Staff Reports

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