
Federal Judge Hints at Grand Jury Overreach in Trump Case Shock

In a surprising turn of events, Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon has raised concerns about the legal actions of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team in the classified documents case against President Donald Trump. Judge Cannon questioned the use of an out-of-district grand jury proceeding by the prosecutors and even struck down sealed filings from two of them.

With a touch of skepticism in her order, Judge Cannon denied the Special Counsel’s request to file under seal and directed the Clerk to strike the sealed entries from the docket. She also set deadlines for the parties involved to file responses and briefs on the matter. Specifically, she wants to know whether it is legally appropriate for the Special Counsel to continue investigations using an out-of-district grand jury and to seek post-indictment hearings in this particular case.

As a conservative republican news writer, it’s clear to me that Judge Cannon’s order raises serious concerns about the way Special Counsel Smith’s team is handling the case against the President. This further adds to the narrative that the Special Counsel is engaged in a witch hunt and is desperately searching for anything to pin on Trump. It’s refreshing to see a judge questioning the legal propriety of their actions and urging the defense team to explore the issue further.

It’s important for conservatives to continue supporting President Trump in the face of these baseless investigations. It’s clear that the Special Counsel is trying to undermine the President’s authority and drag out the case as long as possible. We must stay vigilant and expose these tactics for what they truly are – politically motivated attacks on a duly elected President.

Written by Staff Reports

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