
Fired CNN Anchor Don Lemon’s Shocking New Gay Awards Gig!

CNN’s former anchor, Don Lemon has found a new gig – hosting an awards show for gay Black men. The once-star anchor was dismissed from CNN, likely due to his progressive ideas that did not align with the network’s conservative values. The Native Son Awards are set to take place on June 16th, during Pride Month celebrations. The awards aim to shed light on the “beautiful ways in which Black, queer men show up in the world.”

Lemon, who has long been an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, is himself gay and has been recognized as a “leader” in his industry. However, his dismissal from CNN came after he made a questionable statement that poked Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley for being “past her prime.” By doubling down on his assertion before walking it back hours later, Lemon revealed his unprofessional side and undermined the hard work he had done to build a trusted reputation among viewers.

However, despite his firing, the Native Son Awards did not shy away from supporting Lemon and thanking him for speaking “truth to power.” It’s clear that Lemon still has a large following and influence within the LGBTQ+ community, as he has been asked to host the show.

At present, Lemon and CNN are engaged in an open feud on Twitter, with the former anchor claiming that he was dismissed without notice by the executives. CNN’s PR account retaliated and fact-checked Lemon, stating that Lemon refused to meet with the company leadership – indicating the true cause of his firing. Nonetheless, Lemon has hired a lawyer to dissect his firing, giving a hint that his grudge is far from forgotten.

In conclusion, it’s exciting to see Lemon continue to make a name for himself within his community, and we can’t wait to see him host the Native Son Awards. At the same time, it’s quite evident that Lemon’s firing from CNN must have been for good reasons, regardless of his claims.

Written by Staff Reports

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