
Left-Wing Mob Meets Its Match: Armenian-American Parents Fight Back at School Board Brawl

The left-wing mob strikes again, this time outside a school board meeting in Glendale, California. As usual, they showed up to silence opposing views, but this time they found themselves in a brawl with parents, many of whom were from the Armenian-American community. These parents were protesting the school’s Pride events, which goes against their traditional values. And let’s be clear, it was not just the left-wing Antifa who were throwing punches, both sides were heavily involved in the scuffle. Police had to step in to prevent serious injury.

The altercation happened as Los Angeles officials were preparing for a meeting that was expected to be volatile. Both pro- and anti-LGBTQ+ protesters and speakers were expected to show up and face off against each other over the role of schools in teaching gender and sexuality. The agenda included a vote on recognizing June as Pride month, which only further fueled the flames. This was not the first time Glendale school board meetings had been attended by protesters.

The city, with such a heavy Armenian-American presence, has had enough of the progressivism being forced down their throats, which has resulted in a simmering climate on LGBTQ+ rights. Sadly, last week, the violence even extended to a North Hollywood elementary school, where protesters clashed violently over a Pride-themed assembly. It’s important to note that these so-called “anti-LGBTQ+” activists may not necessarily be against the community itself, but rather what they see as the forcing of this material on their children.

The alphabet mob thought they could silence opposing views yet again, but they were painfully mistaken. The Armenian-American community proved to be a formidable opponent and let’s hope the left-wing mob thinks twice about this type of intimidation in the future. RedState will continue to provide updates on this breaking story as it develops.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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