
Gaetz Roars Back at McCarthy: Meet Our Demands or Face Resistance!

In a fiery speech on the House floor, Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida took aim at House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, threatening to remove him from his speakership if he doesn’t fulfill the concessions that were initially agreed upon earlier this year. Gaetz accused McCarthy of being “out of compliance” with the agreement made between House Republicans during the speakership elections, putting pressure on the GOP leader to appease all factions within his caucus.

Gaetz listed specific demands that he claimed were part of the initial agreement, including a vote on term limits, budget cuts, access to Jan. 6 surveillance tapes, and subpoenas against Hunter Biden and the president’s family. He warned that if McCarthy presents a continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown, he will push for a motion to vacate.

This isn’t the first time Gaetz has threatened McCarthy with removal. Earlier, he called for an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and even hinted at seeking help from Democrats. McCarthy initially brushed off the comments, but later directed House leaders to open an impeachment inquiry, which Gaetz deemed insufficient.

While Gaetz acknowledged that some of his demands may not pass in the House, he emphasized the importance of taking a vote to reveal where representatives stand on these issues. He stated, “At least if we take votes, the American people get to see who’s going to tolerate the business as usual.”

Written by Staff Reports

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