
Gavin Newsom’s Shocking Choice to Fill Feinstein’s Seat: The Inside Scoop!

In the wake of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s death, the halls of Sacramento are already buzzing with speculation about who California Governor Gavin Newsom will choose to replace her in the Senate. The Democrat Mafia had previously hinted at Congresswoman Barbara Lee as a potential replacement for Feinstein, but there seems to be some controversy surrounding the governor’s promise to appoint a Black woman to the position.

During the 2021 Recall election, Newsom painted himself into a corner by pledging to appoint a Black woman when Feinstein retired. However, when questioned about how this would impact the campaigns of fellow Democrats Adam Schiff and Katie Porter, Newsom suggested that it might only be an “interim” appointment. Lee took offense to this, expressing her concerns that she did not want to be seen as a token appointment. She argued that Black women deserve more than just a participation trophy and should have a genuine seat at the table.

Newsom’s dilemma is rooted in his desire to cater to the demands of the Democrat intersectionality game. In this game, “Mo’ melanin and Mo’ gender” are the key factors, and it seems that no one else fits the bill quite like Lee. The only person who could potentially challenge Lee’s appointment would be a Black transgender woman with two heads, but that seems highly unlikely.

The retirement of Feinstein has also opened up opportunities for other ambitious politicians. Assemblywoman Mia Bonta is eyeing Lee’s congressional seat should she be chosen for the Senate. This chain reaction of vacancies creates significant political maneuvering and could ultimately impact the political landscape for Republicans as well.

While Newsom may be grappling with these decisions, he made sure to pay tribute to Feinstein as the first and longest-serving female Senator. Nevertheless, it’s unfortunate that she is being used to prop up the Democrat Party and its agenda, rather than being able to retire with dignity and respect.

Overall, the looming appointment and subsequent political food fight suggest that there won’t be any clear winners in this process. California’s constituents can only hope that their interests are considered amid the chaos.

Written by Staff Reports

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