
GOP Lawmakers Criticize IOC Over Taiwan Name Issue

Three House Republicans are speaking out against the International Olympic Committee’s requirement for Taiwan to compete under the name “Chinese Taipei.” They argue that this decision is the result of pressure and intimidation from the People’s Republic of China.

The congressmen believe that the IOC is treating Taiwan unfairly by forcing them to use the “Chinese Taipei” name and prohibiting the use of their national flag and anthem during medal ceremonies. They argue that this goes against the Olympic Charter, which promotes non-discrimination and political neutrality.

Representatives Tom Tiffany, Andy Ogles, and Chris Smith expressed their concerns in a letter to IOC President Thomas Bach ahead of the Paris Olympic Games. They pointed out that Taiwan, with a population of 24 million, is being singled out and subjected to these restrictions, despite never being under the control of the People’s Republic of China.

The congressmen highlighted the contrast with other territories such as Puerto Rico and Bermuda, which are not required to compete under altered names and are allowed to use their own flags during the opening ceremony and medal presentations.

They also raised concerns about the restrictions placed on Taiwanese fans, who have reportedly been forbidden from displaying their country’s flag at Olympic venues. The representatives called on the IOC to resist China’s influence and remove these discriminatory obstacles for Taiwan’s athletes and supporters before the Paris Summer Games.

The article points out that while there was a referendum in 2018 to replace “Chinese Taipei” with “Taiwan” in international sports events, it was rejected by Taiwanese voters due to fears that it could lead to their exclusion from the Olympics.

In conclusion, the congressmen are urging the International Olympic Committee to reconsider its stance and eliminate the discriminatory requirements imposed on Taiwan.

Written by Staff Reports

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