
GOP Senators Slam Biden’s Border Policies on Migrant Children Exploitation

Sens. Grassley, Cassidy, and Johnson are tackling the Biden administration’s mishandling of the Unaccompanied Children program in a roundtable discussion. They are shedding light on how this program has left migrant children vulnerable to exploitation and trafficking under the current administration’s watch.

This is another prime example of the Biden administration’s incompetence when it comes to addressing the crisis at our southern border. Instead of securing our borders and protecting those who are most vulnerable, they have created policies that have only made the situation worse.

It’s crucial for lawmakers like Grassley, Cassidy, and Johnson to hold the administration accountable and demand answers for their failed policies. Migrant children deserve better than to be subjected to the dangers of exploitation and trafficking because of the government’s negligence.

Conservatives are eager to see transparency and real solutions to the border crisis, and discussions like this roundtable are an important step in exposing the failures of the Biden administration in protecting migrant children. It’s time for our leaders to prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals, including those who are seeking a better life in America.

Written by Staff Reports

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