
GOP States Reject DOJ Poll Watchers for November Election

In some states run by Republicans, they said that they won’t let the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) send people to watch over polling places during the important election in November. This decision came after the DOJ sent workers to monitor voting in different states during the last election in 2022.

When the DOJ told everyone they would send people to watch polling places in many states for the last election, Florida and Missouri said those workers couldn’t come in. Now, eight more states have joined them in not allowing DOJ election monitors during the upcoming November election. Some say this move stops the federal government from getting involved in how elections are run.

The DOJ said they would send monitors to 64 areas in 24 states in November 2022, an increase from 44 areas in 18 states during the election in 2020. They mentioned that they had been keeping an eye on elections to ensure voters’ rights were protected since 1965 when the Voting Rights Act passed.

For the 2024 presidential election, states like Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, South Dakota, Texas, and West Virginia have all said that the DOJ can’t send election monitors to their polling places on Election Day.

Louisiana’s Secretary of State Nancy Landry, a Republican, shared, “I don’t want the federal government interfering in our elections, so I’m not inviting the DOJ to send election monitors to Louisiana.” This decision is based on laws that bar DOJ personnel from being too close to polling places.

Some other states, like Nebraska and South Carolina, did not have any comments yet as to whether the DOJ will have election monitors during this year’s general election. However, Arkansas Governor Sarah Sanders, a Republican, made it clear that the DOJ will not be allowed to intimidate or influence voters in their state’s polling places.

It’s important for states to protect the sanctity of their elections and prevent any outside interference that could affect the voting process. It is crucial that everyone who is eligible to vote can do so freely and without any external pressures. States should have the authority to oversee their own elections without undue involvement from federal agencies. Let the people decide their future without unnecessary intervention.

Written by Staff Reports

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