
GOP Unveils SAVE Act to Reinforce Election Security by Mandating Citizenship Census Question

House Speaker Mike Johnson, Sen. Mike Lee, and Rep. Chip Roy, all Republicans, have introduced the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. The bill aims to require a citizenship question on the decennial census and prevent noncitizens from being counted for congressional and Electoral College apportionment. According to Jake Schneider, the director of rapid response for the Republican National Committee, the legislation is crucial to protecting the integrity of the election system. The Republicans argue that the threat of non-citizens and illegal aliens voting in elections poses an unprecedented danger. They stress that Americans from both blue and red states are deeply concerned about election security.

President Biden’s decision to rescind the directive that only U.S. citizens be counted on the census has faced criticism from Republicans. They argue that Mr. Biden “prioritizes illegal aliens over American citizens once again.” The SAVE Act has garnered support from various conservative figures and organizations, including Cleta Mitchell, Jenny Beth Martin, Stephen Miller, Ken Cuccinelli, Rosemary Jenks, Andy Roth, and Hogan Gidley.

In a separate development, a Rasmussen Reports survey found that recent campus protests have failed to make American voters more sympathetic to Palestinians. In fact, the survey revealed that 42% of likely U.S. voters say the protests have made them less sympathetic to the Palestinians, while only 15% say the protests have increased their sympathy.

On a historical note, the Raab Collection has acquired an unpublished legal document penned by Abraham Lincoln in 1846. The document, associated with one of Lincoln’s famous law partnerships with William Herndon, is set to go on exhibit and on sale for $32,500. Additionally, Fox News continues to outperform its rivals in primetime and daytime programming, with “The Five” emerging as the most-watched show in cable news.

As for the public sentiment on inflation, a Morning Consult/Politico poll of registered U.S. voters found that 48% believe the U.S. is “much worse off” than it was four years ago when it comes to inflation. The poll also revealed varying opinions based on political affiliation, with a majority of Republicans and independents expressing concern about the country’s economic condition.

Written by Staff Reports

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