
Gun Jams in Church Shooting Attempt, Lives Saved

A man from Pennsylvania is in trouble with the law after bringing a gun to a church service. The man, identified as Bernard Junior Polite, faced serious charges after allegedly trying to shoot a pastor during a sermon. This scary incident happened at the Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, Pennsylvania. The suspect, Polite, later said he was following instructions from God to carry out this dangerous act.

Thankfully, a potential tragedy was stopped because the gun jammed when Polite tried to shoot the pastor. This gave a chance for another church member, Clarence McCallister, to tackle Polite and prevent further harm. The pastor, Reverend Glenn Germany, said it was a miracle that the gun malfunctioned and no one was hurt. The brave actions of McCallister were praised for saving lives during this frightening situation.

After Polite was taken into custody at the church, a sad discovery was made at his home. His cousin, Derek Polite, was found dead from a gunshot wound. This led to even more serious charges against Bernard Polite. Neighbors had noticed strange behavior from Polite earlier that day, hearing possible gunshot sounds and seeing him acting suspiciously. Now, Polite remains in jail as the investigation into these disturbing events continues.

This story shows the importance of following the law and the dangers of bringing weapons into places of worship. It is a relief that no one was harmed during this incident, but it is a reminder to always stay vigilant and report any suspicious behavior to authorities. It is crucial for everyone to work together to keep our communities safe and prevent tragedies like this from happening again.

Written by Staff Reports

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