
Haley Demands Biden’s Mental Fitness Test Amidst Docs Drama!

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is once again taking aim at President Biden, demanding that he take a mental competency test in the wake of a report on his mishandling of classified documents. The bombshell report by special counsel Robert Hur detailed concerns about the president’s mental acuity, but stopped short of recommending any criminal charges.

Haley, a staunch Republican and potential presidential candidate, didn’t hold back in her criticism of Biden. She hammered the president for his alleged memory lapses, calling into question his ability to effectively lead the country. With the 81-year-old Biden’s mental fitness becoming a hot topic in political circles, Haley seized the opportunity to draw attention to her own presidential ambitions.

Since launching her campaign, Haley has been vocal about her support for term limits for politicians and has consistently targeted both Biden and former President Donald Trump for their advanced ages. As she vies for the GOP nomination, she’s making it clear that she’s not backing down from her challenge to the status quo.

In response to the report, Biden expressed relief at the conclusion that no charges would be brought against him, emphasizing his commitment to safeguarding the nation’s security throughout his career in public service. However, Haley remains undeterred in her call for a mental competency test, asserting that the American public deserves full transparency when it comes to the mental fitness of their leaders.

Written by Staff Reports

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