
Half Of LA’s 1.2 Million Inactive Voters Haven’t Voted In 10 Years

Over a million inactive voters in Los Angeles County have been removed from the rolls due to a lawsuit filed in 2017.

The conservative group Judicial Watch sued Los Angeles County to prevent illegal voters from casting ballots.

In 2019, a settlement was reached regarding the removal of over a million inactive voters from the rolls in Los Angeles County.

According to the group, over 600,000 voters have not cast a ballot in at least 10 years.

The group's president Tom Fitton said that the settlement was a major victory for California's democracy. It ensured that the state's elections were not prone to fraud.

The group noted that it would continue its efforts to improve the voter rolls and protect clean elections.

In addition, the group claimed that about 20% of the county's registered voters have become inactive.

The settlement agreement required the county to mail out confirmation notices to the inactive voters. If they fail to respond to the notices, they will be removed from the voters' rolls.

In 2022, the group settled a similar lawsuit against New York City, which involved the removal of over 400,000 ineligible individuals from the voter rolls.

According to the lawsuit, New York City only managed to remove 22 names from its voter rolls over a period of six years. At that time, the city's total voter registration was over 5.5 million.

This brings the company's list of lawsuits to include the North Carolina voter roll litigation, which led to the removal of over 430,000 individuals from the rolls in February 2022.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on BLAZE MEDIA.

Written by Staff Reports

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