
Hawley Slams Biden Nominee’s Bias on Religious Liberty

Last week, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri completely blocked Judge Loren AliKhan's confirmation hearing. He asked all judicial nominees about their past rulings against religious liberty, and he was disappointed with how she did not provide him with favorable answers.

Hawley mentioned AliKhan's involvement in several cases, such as the Capitol Hill Baptist Church versus DC Mayor Muriel Bowser case. The objective of the case was to challenge the mayor's decision to limit the congregation's activities even though she had broken the rules during the George Floyd demonstrations.

As she continued to defend the policies, AliKhan noted that Washington D. C. was unsuccessful in its case, as she claimed that the objective of the policy was to limit activities within the district. However the judges ruled that it was discriminatory. She also defended the actions of the mayor, who encouraged the George Floyd protests.

When AliKhan said that religious gatherings were more likely to cause an infection than those who were protesting against police funding, Hawley was disturbed by this claim. He then pressed her on why she made this statement despite there being no evidence supporting it. He also disagreed with her attempts to defend her client, which had no basis.

After considering the issues, Hawley decided that he would not support AliKhan's nomination. He noted that she was an advocate for policies that were discriminatory, and it was not surprising that she was a Democrat. It is therefore important that religious leaders such as Hawley defend the rights of individuals to practice their religion.

Source: Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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