
Herschel Walker LEADING Warnock In Latest Poll

According to a poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group and the conservative media source Daily Wire, Walker received 49 percent of the vote while Warnock received 47 percent. Chase Oliver, a candidate for a third party, received five percent of the vote.

The poll was conducted from October 21 to October 23 and is the first to show Walker with an edge over Warnock after left-leaning media ramped up attacks on Walker related to his personal life earlier in the month. The poll was conducted by YouGov. The poll was the first to show Walker with an edge over Warnock.

Walker said in an interview with Breitbart News on Saturday on the unfavourable media reports. “I think they really gave momentum to myself. They gave momentum to the campaign. I think people are now starting to become aware that the lies that Sen. Warnock and the media’s telling, they know it’s not true.”

Walker, a legend on the football team at the University of Georgia and a former player in the NFL, has in fact seen momentum build for his campaign. The Georgia Republican banked record fundraising contributions as his name made headlines in unfriendly outlets such as the Daily Beast and the New York Times at the beginning of October, and the majority of polls, including this most recent one, taken since the media blitz indicate that the candidates are in a dead heat two weeks out from the election day.

On October 14, Walker and Warnock participated in the state's one and only debate for the United States Senate. Walker appeared to surprise several commentators who lean to the left by performing better than Warnock during the discussion. Throughout the course of the discussion, Walker relentlessly attacked Warnock for his use of words like "nice" and "sweet" while voting in lockstep with President Joe Biden, who enjoys a low level of support in Georgia.

This month, Warnock, who has served as pastor of the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church for many years, has also been under fire from the media. In a report published on October 11 by the Washington Free Beacon, it was revealed that Warnock's church had taken action to evict several low-income tenants over the course of the previous two years. This occurred while Warnock was lobbying in Congress for a moratorium on evictions while also receiving a comfortable housing stipend from the church.

Despite the fact that the Free Beacon published court documents suggesting that eviction processes had been launched, Warnock, throughout the debate, only obliquely disputed that his church had evicted the renters. As a result of Warnock's response, the mayor of South Fulton, Georgia, Khalid Kamau, who is considered to be on the far left, criticised Warnock.

Kamau responded to Warnock's summary of the dispute by saying, "It made me a little queasy."

In addition, crosstabs were included in the poll that was released on Tuesday, and they indicated that Walker had the support of more than 20 percent of black voters, while Warnock had the support of 71 percent of the same group.

Those numbers would be terrible for Warnock if they were to be confirmed in the polls, as Warnock needs closer to 90 percent support from black voters, who make up nearly a third of Georgia's active electorate, to succeed over Walker based on the results of previous elections in Georgia.

In Georgia, early voting has already begun in full force, and preliminary tallies suggest that voter enthusiasm for the upcoming midterm elections is at an all-time high.

On Monday, an official with the Secretary of State's office named Gabriel Sterling disclosed that turnout had surpassed a record for a midterm year. More than 837,000 Georgia residents had already voted, and it was anticipated that the state would exceed the one million voter mark by Tuesday.

The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percent and was based on responses from 1,076 people who were likely voters.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Briet Bart.

Written by Staff Reports

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