
Hillary Slammed as “War Criminal” at Alma Mater Event

In a shocking turn of events, the once-fabled Hillary Clinton was met with a chorus of criticism from protestors during her appearance at Wellesley College. The former Secretary of State, used to basking in the adulation of her liberal fan base, faced a rude awakening as she was bombarded with accusations of war crimes and complicity in atrocities – not exactly the warm and fuzzy reception she’s used to!

These activists weren’t mincing words, making it abundantly clear that they have no interest in following in Clinton’s footsteps. They labeled her as a “war criminal” and even accused her of having blood on her hands – and not in a good way! It seems the Clinton charm offensive may be losing its luster, especially when faced with such vocal dissent from within her own ranks.

And it’s not just Wellesley where Hillary is facing the music. Recent incidents in New York and at Columbia University have shown that the discontent runs deep. Protestors didn’t hold back, pointing fingers at both Hillary and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, for their perceived roles in various global conflicts and issues.

Even students who had eagerly signed up for Clinton’s course at Columbia University were left disappointed, with some criticizing her for regurgitating passages from her own book. Ouch! It looks like Hillary’s status as a political powerhouse may be on shaky ground, especially as more and more of her own supporters begin to question her credentials and motives.

As the Biden campaign considers utilizing her as a surrogate, one has to wonder if Hillary’s waning popularity among the left will come back to haunt her. The once-golden girl of the Democratic Party may be finding herself in increasingly choppy waters, as her past decisions and actions continue to draw scrutiny and criticism from all sides.

Written by Staff Reports

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