
House Halts Biden’s EV Overreach, Saves Car Choice!

The House of Representatives has taken a monumental position for the automobile preferences of American citizens. Five Democrats assisted in the passage of the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act by a vote of 221-197. This legislation is a direct response to the preposterous rule proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency, which would compel American consumers to buy electric vehicles.

A backdoor mandate, the EPA's rule, which is backed by the Biden administration, would require an astounding 67% of new sedans, crossovers, SUVs, and light trucks to be electrified by 2032. Furthermore, according to the Biden administration, fifty percent of all new buses and waste trucks purchased should be electric by 2032. Do you consider this to be a practical joke?

Republican Reps. Tim Walberg of Michigan and Andrew Clyde of Georgia, who sponsored the CARS Act, unequivocally declared that this EPA regulation is antithetical to the real world. It eliminates the fundamental American value of freedom of choice and is unattainable, unaffordable, and unrealistic, they emphasized. I couldn't have said it more aptly!

Walberg considers the enactment of the CARS Act to be an enormous triumph for both the American automobile industry and consumers. He criticized the Biden administration's unattainable goals and stated that central planning and "Bidenomics" are insufficient. We pray, Mr. Walberg!

Moreover, an almost 4,000-car dealer coalition recently corresponded with the Biden administration, articulating their apprehensions regarding the dearth of consumer demand for electric vehicles. It was made plain by Walberg that the House has considered their concerns and taken appropriate action. Our government should immediately begin to heed to the people!

Even proponents of electric vehicles concur that the EPA regulation is erroneous. The proposed standards, according to John Bozzella, chief executive officer of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, would significantly increase vehicle prices, restrict consumer options, and negatively impact a substantial portion of the U.S. population. Bipartisan recognition of the absurdity of this EPA regulation is refreshing.

American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers' Vice President of Government Relations, Aaron Ringel, criticized the EPA rule for prioritizing China's interests over those of the United States. Consider for a moment that our government is imposing regulations that are more advantageous to our international rivals than to our own citizens.

As the Democrat-controlled Senate considers the CARS Act, it is more important than ever that Americans continue to advocate for the preservation of their right to select the vehicles that meet their needs the most effectively. Consequently, ensure that your senators advocate for the freedom of choice by closely monitoring their actions.

The White House's threat to veto the legislation if it reaches President Biden's desk is not unexpected. However, this pertains to the American people, and their opinions must be considered.

The CARS Act's passage represents, in summary, a significant triumph for all liberty-oriented Americans who uphold the principle of individual agency. The battle against Biden's excessive mandates is far from over, but there is still hope for preserving American consumers and the auto industry due to the tireless efforts of lawmakers such as Rep. Walberg and Rep. Clyde. Patriots, continue to fuel those motors with revs.

Written by Staff Reports

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