
Hunter Biden’s FARA Scandal: Why DOJ Won’t Act

It’s no surprise anymore that Hunter Biden has been making bank from shady foreign business dealings. But now, the conservative America First Legal organization is taking a stand against the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland for turning a blind eye to Hunter’s violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). The law firm is fed up with the DOJ’s inaction and has filed a lawsuit to hold them accountable.

According to the lawsuit, the Department of Justice had known about Hunter’s status as a “foreign agent” for Ukrainian and Chinese businesses since at least November 2019. The evidence is crystal clear – Hunter Biden has been cozying up to foreign interests for years. But instead of doing their job and requiring him to register as a foreign agent, the DOJ has chosen to do nothing. Shocking, right?

The lawsuit points out Hunter’s involvement with Burisma Holdings Limited in Ukraine and the CEFC energy firm in China as clear examples of FARA violations. The evidence includes emails and Senate committee reports that show Hunter lobbying on behalf of these foreign corporations. Yet, while others have been charged with FARA violations, Hunter Biden continues to evade any consequences. It’s a classic case of one rule for the powerful and another for the rest of us.

This isn’t the first time the AFL has called out Hunter Biden’s FARA violations. They filed a complaint back in March, but the Department of Justice has ignored it completely, unlawfully withholding action. It’s clear that the DOJ, under Garland’s leadership, is going out of its way to protect President Biden, his family, and their radical liberal allies. If anyone else had committed these offenses, they would already be facing criminal charges. But not Hunter Biden, because apparently, he’s untouchable.

AFL is demanding that the federal courts hold the DOJ accountable for its failure to act and force Hunter Biden to register as a foreign agent. It’s about time someone stands up for the rule of law and the transparency we deserve. The Attorney General has a duty to ensure that Hunter Biden faces the same consequences as any other American would for similar actions. The American people deserve nothing less. It’s time to bring Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings into the light and hold him accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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