
Hunter’s Secret Burner Phone Plot: 3 Days Before White House Visit!

Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, apparently wanted to keep his meeting with his father at the White House on the down-low. In an email exchange obtained by the ever-vigilant DailyMail, Hunter advised his business partner Devon Archer to get disposable phones just three days before the meeting. He even referred to his father as “my guy,” which raises eyebrows about the possible influence he had over Papa Biden.

Now, some people might say it’s all just innocent and they wanted to ensure complete anonymity. But come on, let’s be real here. Why would they need disposable phones from a convenience store like 7/11 or CVS if it wasn’t to keep their meeting hush-hush? Something fishy is definitely going on.

And it gets even juicier. This email reveals that Hunter and Devon had some detailed knowledge and assessment of Ukrainian politics and business strategy. They were talking about decentralization, the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, and how to navigate the political landscape. And wouldn’t you know it, shortly after their meeting with Daddy Biden, both Hunter and Devon landed board seats at Burisma. Coincidence? I think not.

Now, I’m not one to jump to conclusions, but this new information adds fuel to the fire of the ongoing investigation into the Biden family’s influence and business activities. It’s clear that they were using their political connections to secure lucrative positions. The question is, was it all above board? Or were these guys playing fast and loose with the rules?

And let’s not forget what Devon Archer spilled during his closed-door testimony. He claimed that President Biden frequently chatted up his son’s business partners. They were apparently exchanging pleasantries like talking about the weather. Seriously? Is that what presidents do these days? I don’t remember Ronald Reagan calling up my cousin Bob to talk about the temperature outside. This smells like a cover-up, folks.

All in all, this email and the connections between Hunter, Devon, and Burisma raise some serious questions. Did the Biden family use their political influence to score big in the business world? It sure seems like it. And as the investigation continues, we can only hope that more details come out to shed light on just what exactly Joe Biden was up to in Ukraine.

Written by Staff Reports

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