
IBM CEO Exposed: Bonuses for Bias, Americans Sidelined!

This just in, folks. It looks like Arvind Krishna, IBM’s Indian-born CEO, has some explaining to do. There’s a leaked video from 2021 that’s got everyone buzzing about bonus incentives and racial quotas. In the video, Krishna seems to suggest that executives at IBM will get bonuses for meeting hiring quotas based on race and gender.

Krishna insists that these bonuses account for a meager 5 percent in some cases, and the other 95 percent is still tied to good old-fashioned business performance. But hold up, isn’t hiring the best people regardless of race or gender what drives business performance?

James O’Keefe, a notorious whistleblower, dropped this bombshell video, which shows Krishna essentially telling his executives to adjust their hiring practices to meet representation targets based on race and gender. If they succeed, they get a bonus. If they don’t, well, there goes a chunk of their bonus.

This has got many American professionals in Fortune 500 companies feeling some type of way, and for good reason. They’re claiming widespread discrimination is holding them back from job and promotion opportunities all in the name of so-called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).

But here’s the kicker – the Biden administration isn’t likely to come down hard on IBM for this. In fact, they’ve been pretty lenient with other tech giants like Facebook and Apple when it comes to similar discrimination claims. However, IBM may not be off the hook just yet. Stephen Miller’s law firm is gearing up to sue IBM for these discriminatory practices.

And get this, folks – it’s not just IBM. This kind of hire-and-fire-by-color policy is happening all over the place. Big companies are using DEI as a cover to prioritize hiring cheap visa workers from India over hardworking Americans. It’s all part of a bigger industry that’s fueled by the influx of visa workers and legal immigrants. And who’s really taking the hit? You got it – everyday Americans.

What’s even more shocking is that some of our own lawmakers and progressives are on board with this anti-American worker agenda. The influx of visa workers has been changing the landscape of professional jobs for decades, making it harder for American graduates to compete and succeed in their own country.

It’s not just about the bonuses and quotas at IBM – it’s a much deeper issue that’s been brewing for years. And until we address it head-on, hardworking Americans will continue to get the short end of the stick in their own backyard. It’s time to put American workers first.

Written by Staff Reports

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