
Iowa Caucus Roars: 68% Question Biden Win, Trump Triumphs!

In a recent CNN entrance poll, it was revealed that a whopping 68 percent of Iowan caucusgoers doubt the legitimacy of President Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. Only 30 percent of participants believe that he won fair and square. You read that right, folks! The majority of Iowan caucusgoers are not buying the left’s favorite fairytale about the 2020 election. Who can blame them? With all the fishy business surrounding mail-in ballots and late-night vote dumps in key swing states, it’s no wonder folks are raising their eyebrows at those election results.

The same poll also asked participants if they think former President Donald Trump is fit for the presidency, even if he were convicted of a crime. Shockingly, 64 percent said yes, while only 34 percent had the audacity to say no. After enduring endless baseless attacks from the liberal establishment, it looks like the silent majority still has Trump’s back. 

And when it comes to the top issues for Republican caucusgoers, it’s no surprise that immigration takes the cake at 40 percent, followed closely by the economy at 35 percent. It’s crystal clear that Iowan Republicans are fired up about securing our borders and boosting our economy. And let’s not forget about foreign policy and abortion, which also garnered significant attention from the caucus attendees. Republican priorities, folks!

The early winner among the GOP caucus participants? None other than the one and only Donald J. Trump, with a whopping 53 percent. That’s right, Trump’s unwavering support among Republicans is as strong as ever. Following behind him is Florida’s very own Gov. Ron DeSantis, who secured a respectable 21 percent of the vote. 

CNN was quick to remind everyone that entrance polls are just estimates and not precise measurements. Nice try, CNN, but we see right through your attempt to undermine the overwhelming support for Trump and conservative values in Iowa.


Written by Staff Reports

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