
IRS Whistleblower Exposes Shocking Twist in Hunter Probe

In a bombshell revelation, a whistleblower from the Internal Revenue Service has come forward with new allegations regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden. It appears that the Delaware U.S. attorney handling the case may have deliberately lightened the investigation by dismissing several seasoned prosecutors and bringing in new ones with questionable connections.

According to Gary Shapley, the whistleblower’s lawyer, Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss removed two senior investigators from the Hunter Biden case just before filing charges. Instead, he replaced them with prosecutors who have ties to Hunter Biden, including Derek Hines, a former employee of former FBI Director Louis Freeh, who is known to be a “close associate of Hunter Biden.” These new prosecutors had no prior involvement with the investigation, raising concerns about their impartiality.

This shocking development sheds light on the allegations that the charges against Hunter Biden were downgraded compared to similar tax charges prosecuted in Delaware. It seems that Justice Department officials interfered with the case, sidelining IRS agents like Shapley and preventing Weiss from being appointed as a special prosecutor who could bring charges outside of his district. Interestingly, U.S. attorneys in New Jersey and Los Angeles, who have reportedly made donations to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, declined to bring charges against Hunter Biden.

As calls for accountability grow louder, prosecutors now face the challenge of defending the deal they struck with Hunter Biden. The deal allows him to avoid prison time if he completes a pre-trial diversion program. Many are questioning whether this lenient treatment is fair, given the gravity of the charges against him.

Despite the negative publicity surrounding his son, President Biden has stood firmly by Hunter’s side. In fact, he even invited him to a state dinner, where Attorney General Merrick Garland awkwardly tried to avoid any interaction. Garland has denied pressuring Weiss in relation to the Hunter Biden case, but some House Republicans are skeptical.

House Republicans continue their investigation into Hunter Biden’s business transactions, as they try to establish a connection between the president and deals made by foreign companies on behalf of his son. Previous emails uncovered by the House Oversight Committee revealed that Hunter Biden kept the Obama White House informed about his business affairs while his father was vice president. This raises questions about whether President Biden had any influence over his son’s compliance with the law.

It is clear that the Hunter Biden case is far from over and that there are still significant questions and concerns surrounding the investigation and the subsequent lenient treatment. It remains to be seen how this will impact President Biden’s credibility and whether justice will truly be served. One thing is for sure, though: the American people deserve transparency and fairness, and it’s up to our elected officials to ensure that these standards are met.

Written by Staff Reports

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