
Israeli Star Exposes Terror Cash Flow into US Groups! FBI Called to Act!

In a fiery and bold plea, Noa Tishby, an Israeli-born actress and former special envoy for combating antisemitism, has demanded that the FBI investigate the alleged funding of pro-Palestinian groups by terrorist organizations. Tishby wasted no time in pointing fingers at Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) during her testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee, asserting that these groups are in cahoots with terror funding and should be probed immediately.

Tishby presented what she considers to be damning evidence connecting SJP and AMP members to the support and financing of terrorist groups, such as Hamas. She even went so far as to call for state police and the FBI to intervene without delay. In her impassioned speech, Tishby emphasized the urgency of the situation, highlighting the dire need to hold these groups accountable for their alleged ties to global jihad and their association with the hostage situation in Gaza involving numerous Israeli and American nationals.

The actress didn’t stop there. She also called out AMP, which, according to her, employs individuals who previously worked for organizations that reportedly funneled more than $12 million to Hamas. Tishby pointed to the testimony of former Treasury Department terrorism finance analyst, Jonathan Schanzer, during which he disclosed the sanctions and prison sentences imposed on the leaders of these organizations after their ties to terror financing were exposed.

Furthermore, Tishby cited the Anti-Defamation League’s observations of SJP’s purported pro-Hamas messaging and promotion of violence against Israelis in the aftermath of a deadly attack. For her, it was clear that these groups should no longer enjoy impunity, especially in light of the justifications for violence and calls for solidarity expressed by SJP in the wake of the said attack.

The actress then turned her attention to specific actions from state officials, commending Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for taking a stand against the purportedly radical pro-Palestinian student group at universities in his state, as well as applauding Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares for launching an investigation into AMP’s activities. Tishby’s vocal support for these measures demonstrated her unwavering commitment to holding these groups accountable for their alleged misconduct.

Tishby, who leveraged her status as a best-selling author and an outspoken advocate for Israel, adamantly denounced SJP as a hate group that indoctrinates American college students with hateful sentiments towards Israel, Jews, and America. She didn’t mince her words, lambasting SJP for glorifying terrorists and hijacking campus environments. In her view, SJP’s activities were akin to those of the Ku Klux Klan, warranting a blanket ban on every college campus across the nation.

In her closing remarks, Tishby urged Congress to cease extending privileges to groups with alleged terrorist links, condemning the acceptance of donations from AMP by certain congressional representatives. She called for a critical examination of whether these donations were sourced from the same pool as proscribed terror groups, insinuating that some members of Congress might be entangled in nefarious dealings.

Tishby’s vocal stance against SJP and AMP, coupled with her calls for thorough investigations and widespread bans, reinforces her unwavering commitment to combatting what she perceives as the pernicious influence of these groups. Her impassioned plea has ignited fervent discourse and raised challenging questions about the intersection of activism, funding, and terrorism.

Written by Staff Reports

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