
Jeh Johnson Backs Biden Amid Calls for Withdrawal, Suggests Puppet Presidency

Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson must think American voters have selective vision, as he declares his unwavering support for a second term of Joe Biden, cognitive decline and all. The former Obama-era official revealed his loyalty on MSNBC, arguing that a presidency is more than just one man. One wonders if Johnson believes a weekend at Bernie’s style government is really the best foot forward for America.

Johnson confidently expressed he’d prefer Biden’s hand on the tiller, even on his worst day at age 86, over another term of President Trump. Of course, this endorsement comes with the backhanded understanding that Biden’s capable crew, featuring the likes of Avril Haines, Samantha Power, and Gina Raimondo, would essentially be pulling the strings. Seems Johnson is setting the stage for a puppet presidency, which might just be a new low for the Democratic Party.

In his spiel, Johnson lashed out at former President Trump, blaming him for the January 6 Capitol riots and criticizing Trump’s inner circle for alleged negligence. While this tried-and-tested Democratic tactic of fear-mongering probably satisfies their base, it’s wearing thin with the broader electorate who can see through the blame game.

The timing of Johnson’s remarks is curious, coinciding with the aftermath of the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump. Biden’s lackluster performance was akin to a bad rerun, prompting political pundits and even Democratic strategists to call for Biden to withdraw his candidacy. A staggering 67% of Democrats seem to agree that it’s time for him to step down.

Despite the growing calls for his replacement, Biden’s camp is digging in their heels. With the New York Times and other media heavyweights demanding a change, the Democrats are in quite the pickle. The party’s own rules prevent replacing a nominee without a vote at the National Convention, and legal obstacles line the path in many states. This quagmire is so thick, even Houdini would struggle to find an escape.

Adding complexity to the mix, several states have strict rules about replacing presidential candidates. In Wisconsin, a candidate’s name can only be removed if they kick the bucket, and in Nevada, the deadline to replace candidates has already passed unless the candidate becomes mentally incapacitated, which itself could spark lengthy court battles. Georgia, on the other hand, offers a slight reprieve, but the clock is ticking.

Meanwhile, conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation are gearing up for a potential Democratic scramble to replace Biden. One wonders if the Democrats will heed the warning signs or if they’ll drive their proverbial car over the cliff, Biden snoozing in the backseat as advisors fight over the wheel. At this rate, grabbing some popcorn might be the most sane strategy for conservatives observing this slow-motion circus unfold.

Written by Staff Reports

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