
Judge Erdos Tosses Out Anti-Trump Lawsuits, Defends Free Speech

Judge Michael E. Erdos of the Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas made a bold move on Monday by throwing out two ridiculous lawsuits against President Donald Trump. These lawsuits were brought forth by James Savage, a voting machine supervisor who claimed that Trump’s comments about the 2020 election led to death threats and even caused him to have heart attacks. Give me a break!

Savage pointed to statements Trump made during a Pennsylvania State Senate hearing, a tweet, and a letter to support his baseless accusations. But let’s be real here, folks. Trump was simply exercising his right to free speech and expressing legitimate concerns about election integrity. It’s not like he named Savage specifically and called him a fraudster. Savage just conveniently placed himself at the center of attention.

Thankfully, Judge Erdos recognized that addressing the nation and speaking about matters of public concern is part of a President’s official duties. It’s called the “bully pulpit” for a reason! Erdos refused to delve into Trump’s mindset and motivations for making these statements because, guess what? It’s not the court’s job to play mind reader!

This decision by Judge Erdos is like a breath of fresh air. Finally, someone who understands that the mainstream press and liberal courts are quick to villainize Trump at every turn. They don’t care about reality or truth. They just want to push their own biased agenda. But Erdos saw through their nonsense and did what was right.

Now that these baseless lawsuits have been thrown out, maybe Savage can focus on actually doing his job as a voting machine supervisor instead of trying to gain sympathy and attention. It’s time for all of us to move on and accept the fact that Trump was a strong leader who fought for election integrity. And thank goodness we have judges like Erdos who won’t succumb to the liberal narrative. Bravo, Judge Erdos! Bravo!

Written by Staff Reports

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