
Kinzinger Slams Trump Supporters, Sparks Holy War on Faith!

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, wow, quite the mouthful, huh? The former Illinois Republican, who has now morphed into a self-proclaimed “senior political commentator” for the CNN crew, decided to take a jab at Christians who still support the one and only Donald J. Trump. In a post on some mysterious social media platform, Kinzinger unleashed a scathing attack on anyone who dares to call themselves a Christian while also backing the 45th President. He boldly claimed that these folks just don’t understand their own religion. Can you believe it? This guy really knows how to stir the pot, doesn’t he?

He pointed fingers, virtually, of course, at Mr. Trump, and accused him of not being a true Christian. And to top it off, he threw in some choice words about Mr. Trump’s online bashing of President Biden and special counsel Jack Smith. It’s like Kinzinger’s trying to start a virtual cage match or something! He even managed to squeeze in some criticism about how people close to Trump haven’t spilled the beans about his “scent.”

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung fired back, calling Kinzinger an “unemployed fraud” and accusing him of publicly passing gas. Can you imagine the nerve of this guy? The audacity! It’s an all-out war of words, and Kinzinger is surely reveling in the spotlight. With his history of opposing Trump, such as that infamous vote to impeach after the Jan. 6 events, it’s no surprise he’s taking every chance to tear down the former president.

Now, Kinzinger may have decided not to run for reelection, but that’s not stopping him from making waves in the political sphere. As a newfound member of the CNN crew, it seems like Kinzinger is on a mission to ruffle as many conservative feathers as humanly possible. Love him or hate him, you can’t deny that he’s a lightning rod for controversy. And who knows, maybe he’s just trying to drum up some attention for himself in the spotlight. 

Written by Staff Reports

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