
Lefties Tremble as D’Souza Storms PA Leadership Conf!

Get ready, folks! The Pennsylvania Leadership Conference is back and better than ever, and the lefties are shaking in their boots! This year’s conference, held at the Penn Harris Hotel in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania from April 4–6, is featuring the one and only Dinesh D’Souza. D’Souza, known for his no-nonsense conservative views, is sure to ruffle some liberal feathers with his powerful words.

The schedule for Friday, April 5 is jam-packed with events to get every conservative heart pumping. Kicking things off at 8:00 a.m. sharp is the workshop titled “Books, Bongs, and Abortion: Protecting Children from the Left’s Agenda in PA.” Hosted by some of the brightest minds in the conservative movement, this workshop is sure to be a hot topic of conversation. Participants will learn how to shield their children from the radical left’s dangerous ideologies and make sure they grow up with good old-fashioned American values.

With Dinesh D’Souza leading the charge, attendees can expect a fiery and impassioned speech that will leave no doubt about where he stands on the issues. And with a schedule subject to change, who knows what surprise guest might show up to drop some truth bombs on the left’s agenda in Pennsylvania. It’s shaping up to be a can’t-miss event for any proud conservative in the Keystone State.

Written by Staff Reports

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