
LGBT Activism Faces Legal Backlash: New Cases Protect Churches!

In a recent ruling, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the right of a Catholic high school to terminate a guidance counselor who entered into a same-sex marriage. Michelle Fitzgerald and Lynn Starkey, who were both employees of Roncalli High School in Indianapolis, were fired after it was discovered that they had participated in same-sex marriages. The court ruled in favor of the school, stating that the dismissals did not violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This ruling sets the stage for future cases that will protect religious institutions’ rights to employ individuals who adhere to their religious beliefs.

In the case of Fitzgerald and Starkey, their employment contracts explicitly stated that they were required to uphold the beliefs of the Catholic Church in their personal and professional lives. Furthermore, they were directly involved in decisions about religious studies at the school. Despite their claims that their involvement was merely a means to a pay increase, the court found that their positions and active participation in religious education justified their terminations. This ruling is a victory for religious freedom and ensures that religious institutions have the right to uphold their values in their employment decisions.

Another case heading to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals involves a substitute teacher, Lonnie Billard, who was terminated from Charlotte Catholic High School for announcing his engagement to his same-sex partner on Facebook. Billard filed a lawsuit claiming sex discrimination, and a nonprofit firm is now challenging the court’s decision in favor of Billard. This case presents some unique circumstances, as Billard was not involved in the religious formation of the students. Nonetheless, the school has a policy that requires staff teaching secular subjects to refrain from instructing students on Catholic doctrine. The firm representing the school argues that the recent Supreme Court decision in favor of a web designer who refused to work with gay couples supports their case.

The right to expressive association is at the center of these legal battles. This right protects individuals’ freedom to associate together for expressive purposes, such as political or religious beliefs. The Boy Scouts of America successfully used the right to expressive association to prevent the inclusion of homosexual scoutmasters. Similarly, religious institutions should have the right to employ individuals who align with their beliefs and values. It is absurd to think that a Jewish organization should be forced to admit neo-Nazis or gay neo-Nazis. Likewise, a Catholic school should not be compelled to employ individuals who openly defy Catholic moral teaching. These cases highlight the importance of protecting religious freedom and allowing institutions to act in accordance with their own beliefs.

There is a deeper problem at play here than just an attack on religious institutions. Individuals who knowingly enter into employment with organizations whose beliefs contradict their own personal lives and values are creating unnecessary conflicts. Why would someone willingly sign a code of conduct pledge that prohibits their behavior and then engage in that behavior? Employers who invoke their religious faith have the right to hire individuals who align with their beliefs. By doing so, they are not being exclusionary or intolerant, but simply upholding their own values. These court cases serve as a warning to employers who compromise their beliefs for the sake of diversity and inclusion – they may face legal consequences and the erosion of their own faith-based practices.

Ultimately, the rulings in these court cases uphold the rights of religious institutions to maintain their own standards and values in their employment decisions. These cases represent a crucial step in protecting religious freedom and preventing the bullying of churches and other religious organizations by LGBT activists. It is imperative that believers and supporters of religious freedom continue to stand up for these rights and fight against the erosion of religious liberties.

Written by Staff Reports

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