
Liberal Bill Maher dismisses horrific drag queen trend in schools

The left just can’t handle the truth. Recently, Virginia Republican Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears butted heads with liberal HBO host Bill Maher over the issue of drag queens performing lap dances on school children. While Maher tried to dismiss the idea, Sears stayed strong and argued that parents should have the right to decide what happens in their child’s life.

Sears stated, “I don’t co-parent. I had this child. I’m responsible for this child. Anything happens to Little Johnny, you’re calling me as you should. If I don’t want my child given lap dances at school by a drag queen, I don’t want it done. That’s happening,” referring to the disturbing trend of drag queens performing in front of young children at schools.

Predictably, Maher scoffed at the idea, arrogantly insisting that it’s not happening. The reality is, however, that it is happening, and it’s happening all across the country. The trend is so concerning that even the New York Post recently reported on it. Children as young as 14 were brought to a drag performance at a community college in North Carolina. Video footage showed a teenage girl being straddled by a drag performer as she sat on a chair. Fortunately, this controversy has led the school to revise its rules around drag shows for minors.

Nevertheless, the left is quick to dismiss Sears as an “embarrassment to Virginia” and mock her for her belief that children should not be subjected to lap dances by drag queens. But regardless of what the left thinks, Sears’ supporters have proven her claims to be true. Parents have the right to protect their children and should not have to worry about their children being put in harm’s way by politically correct agendas pushed by the left. It’s time for the left to start prioritizing the protection and wellbeing of our children over their own political agendas.

Written by Staff Reports

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