
Magician’s AI Biden Impersonation Intrigue Shocks Dems

In a shocking turn of events, a New Orleans magician has been revealed as the mastermind behind the outlandish artificial intelligence scheme to impersonate President Joe Biden for a robocall sent to New Hampshire Democrats. And the plot thickens, folks! The magician, Paul Carpenter, spilled the beans to NBC News, revealing that a consultant for a rival Democratic campaign, none other than Steve Kramer, had paid him to carry out this audacious plan.

Carpenter disclosed that he was offered a pretty penny by Kramer to use AI to mimic Biden’s voice for the robocall. The whole operation cost a measly $1 and took less than 20 minutes to pull off. However, Kramer shelled out a whopping $150 for Carpenter’s magical services. Venmo transactions from Kramer and his father, Bruce, confirm the payments, leaving no doubt about the shady dealings taking place behind the scenes.

The magician showcased his handiwork to NBC News, using AI startup ElevenLabs to create the fake Biden audio. He came forward expressing regret for his involvement, as the scheme has ignited a multi-state investigation. The New Hampshire Attorney General, John Formella, wasted no time launching a criminal probe into the Texas-based telecommunications company, Life Corp., responsible for the thousands of deceptive robocalls.

Let’s not forget the seasoned political operative, Steve Kramer, who has a laundry list of campaigns under his belt. He brazenly recruited Carpenter for not one, not two, but three projects, including impersonating Sen. Lindsey Graham and manufacturing a deepfake of Biden urging New Hampshire voters not to turn out for the primary. Kramer’s texts to Carpenter paint a damning picture of his involvement, leaving little room for doubt. And let’s not overlook the substantial financial backing Kramer received from the Dean 24, Inc. campaign committee, funneling hefty sums toward his ballot access crusades.

Folks, it’s safe to say that this elaborate charade has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, leaving even the directly implicated parties gobsmacked. Dean Phillips and his campaign expressed their sheer outrage and vehemently distanced themselves from Kramer, with threats of legal action looming if the allegations hold true. This scandal has unraveled a web of deceit, showcasing the lengths some are willing to go for political gain.

As this drama continues to unfold, one thing’s for certain: the realm of politics remains a hotbed of intrigue and duplicity. Stay tuned, folks, for the next chapter in this gripping saga of political shenanigans and dark dealings.

Written by Staff Reports

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