
Majority Rejects Trans Athletes in Women’s Sports: Sanity Prevails in New Polls!

The latest polls have once again confirmed what conservatives have been saying all along: most Americans are opposed to allowing biological males who identify as transgender to compete in women’s sports. In fact, according to a recently published Gallup poll, even more Americans now believe that athletes who are male-bodied but believe they are women should not be allowed to participate in women’s and girls’ sports. It’s good to see that common sense is prevailing!

And it’s not just a national trend. A recent Suffolk University/USA Today poll specifically asked Ohioans about their views on transgender athletes playing on female sports teams in schools. Surprise, surprise, the majority of Ohioans disagreed with the idea. A whopping 70 percent said they did not support letting transgender girls who use hormones play on female teams. Only 21 percent said they would allow it. Finally, some sanity in the Buckeye State!

But that’s not all Ohioans had common sense about. The same poll also asked about attendance at drag performances, and once again, the majority said they believe these shows should be restricted to those 18 and older. Sixty-six percent of respondents agreed, while only 30 percent disagreed. It’s nice to see that the people of Ohio understand that some things are better left to the adults.

Let’s not forget the shining stars in this whole debate – our Republican representatives. State Rep. Jean Schmidt hit the nail on the head when she said, “It’s an issue of fairness. We are different. We’re made different.” Bravo, Rep. Schmidt! It’s refreshing to see lawmakers who actually understand biology and stand up for what’s right.

And State Rep. Josh Williams, another Republican champion, echoed the sentiment of the people when he said, “When we go into districts and we are talking to voters at the doors, overwhelmingly we hear it should not be permitted.” This is why we elect Republicans – because they listen to the people and fight for their values!

But the poll did have one disappointing revelation: 45 percent of Democrats support transgender athletes playing in women’s sports. It’s disheartening to see that even some members of the left don’t understand the concept of fairness and the biological differences between men and women. We can only hope that they come to their senses soon.

Thankfully, some conservative legislators are taking action. Senator Tommy Tuberville and Congressman Greg Steube have introduced the “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2023” to counter the Biden administration’s attempt to rewrite Title IX to include “gender identity.” These brave lawmakers understand the importance of preserving women’s sports and ensuring a level playing field for our female athletes. They know that biological males should not be allowed onto women’s teams or into women’s locker rooms. Bravo to Tuberville and Steube for fighting the good fight!

In the end, it’s clear that the majority of Americans, especially conservatives, believe in fair competition and preserving the integrity of women’s sports. We must continue to stand up against the woke left and protect the rights and opportunities of our female athletes. Let’s hope that more states follow the example of Alabama and enact laws to keep women’s sports fair and competitive. It’s time to put an end to the madness and restore sanity to our athletic competitions!

Written by Staff Reports

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