
Media Stokes Fear of Bird Flu as Election Season Nears

The mainstream media and medical establishment are stirring the pot, warning about a potential bird flu pandemic as we head into another election season. According to The Gateway Pundit, they’re saying this bird flu could be 100 times deadlier than Covid-19!

So, what’s the scoop? Well, in March 2024, avian influenza A(H5N1) was found in various animals in Texas and Kansas, including wild birds, cats, and even cows. Then, shocker: two people in Texas got infected with the bird flu. The White House is apparently all up in arms about it, with officials worrying about the virus spreading even further.

Are we sure this bird flu scare is the real deal, or is it just another tactic to push those controversial pandemic response measures? Dr. Kelly Victory from The Wellness Company’s Chief Medical Board seems to think this whole thing is being blown out of proportion. She suggests that this bird flu scare is just like previous ones that mostly affect poultry workers and there isn’t much evidence of significant human-to-human transmission.

The Wellness Company has got you covered with their Contagion Kit! This kit includes essential medications like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that supposedly cover a wide range of viral and bacterial illnesses. Dr. Jim Thorp, a prominent critic of Big Pharma, highly recommends stocking up on critical medications, especially with the potential dangers of 2024 lurking around.

You can’t find this magical Contagion Kit in any old store or pharmacy. Nope, it’s prescription-only, and after a quick questionnaire, a trusted doctor from The Wellness Company will hook you up. And just in case you’re still on the fence, there are plenty of glowing reviews from folks who have found peace of mind with their very own Contagion Kit.


Written by Staff Reports

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