
MSNBC Axes Failing Hasan Show, Leftists Cry Censorship

Liberal snowflakes are throwing a fit over MSNBC’s decision to pull the plug on Mehdi Hasan’s weekend program, claiming it’s a slap in the face to Muslims and free speech. The left-wing media echo chamber, including Democratic congressmen and disgruntled former MSNBC hosts, are up in arms over the network’s move. They’re bawling about the optics of removing a Muslim host during the conflict between Israel and Gaza, as if that’s the only reason the show got axed.

According to sources at MSNBC, the decision to shuffle Hasan’s show has more to do with his lackluster viewership than his grandstanding about human rights and the Gaza conflict. Despite Hasan’s attempts to paint himself as a champion of free speech, the truth is that his show was having trouble attracting viewers. In fact, it consistently trailed behind in the ratings, failing to capture the coveted 25-to-54 demographic advertisers crave.

The real kicker here is that Hasan has been strangely silent about the whole ordeal, choosing instead to rant about anything and everything that’s got his knickers in a twist on social media. It seems like MSNBC just had enough of his hyperbolic antics and decided to put an end to the circus. And let’s not forget that this isn’t the first time MSNBC has been caught up in controversy. They’ve previously allowed hosts and guests to spew threats and outrageous claims about conservatives, including inciting violence against President Trump.

Former President Trump has also weighed in on this mess, blasting Comcast CEO Brian Roberts for allowing his network to spew venom against him and the Republican Party. Trump called out MSNBC for acting as a 24-hour hit job on him and accused Roberts of permitting illegal political interference using government-sanctioned airwaves.

At the end of the day, MSNBC’s decision to cancel Hasan’s show is nothing more than a business move based on dismal ratings and a track record of inflammatory rhetoric. The liberal media may howl and whine all they want, but the reality is that audiences simply weren’t tuning in to Hasan’s show, and that’s the bottom line.

Written by Staff Reports

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