
MSNBC’s Joy Reid Equates Biden’s COVID Battle to Trump’s Assassination Attempt Survival

In the latest episode of “MSNBC’s Liberal Logic,” host Joy Reid used her crystal ball to make a mind-boggling comparison between President Joe Biden’s battle with COVID-19 and former President Donald Trump surviving an assassination attempt. With a straight face, Reid argued that if Biden, who let’s not forget is 81 years old, manages to recover from the virus, it should be seen as the same display of strength as Trump bouncing back from being shot. Yes, you heard that right.

Reid’s mental gymnastics were on full display as she questioned why Trump’s resilience after an attempted assassination was hailed as a sign of strength while ignoring the unusual circumstances surrounding it. She conveniently brushed over the fact that Trump was given a mere nine seconds to capture an iconic photo op during an active shooter situation. But hey, let’s just “figure that out one day.” No rush.

According to Reid, if Biden manages to shake off COVID-19 and resume his campaign activities, it should be regarded as a remarkable feat for an “elderly” man. She seems to underestimate the gravity of a virus that has unfortunately taken the lives of many people, regardless of age. But hey, as long as Biden can still hop on that campaign trail and do his rallies, it’s all good, right?

Joining the liberal chorus, fellow host Jen Psaki chimed in, stating that Biden’s isolation due to the virus will be problematic for his campaign. Psaki seems more concerned about the optics and campaign implications rather than the health and well-being of the president. But hey, who cares about that when there’s an election to win, am I right?

It’s absolutely mind-boggling to witness the lengths some liberals will go to downplay Trump’s resilience and twist any narrative to fit their agenda. Comparing a man recovering from a gunshot wound during an attempted assassination to someone overcoming COVID-19 is not only intellectually dishonest but also shows a complete lack of empathy for the seriousness of both situations.

But hey, this is MSNBC we’re talking about. Truth and logical reasoning take a backseat to their preferred narrative and agenda. As long as they can find a way to diminish Trump’s achievements and prop up Biden, they’re happy. It’s just another day in the liberal echo chamber.

In the end, it’s important to remember that surviving a life-threatening situation, whether it’s an attempted assassination or battling a deadly virus, is no small feat. Comparing the two is not only offensive but also diminishes the strength and courage it takes to overcome such challenges. But hey, why let facts and common sense get in the way of a good liberal narrative?

Written by Staff Reports

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