
Nancy Mace Sounds Off on Kevin McCarthy’s Broken Promises on ‘The View’

In a lively appearance on “The View,” Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) made it clear that she is not pleased with Speaker Kevin McCarthy, accusing him of breaking promises. The discussion centered around the possibility of removing McCarthy from his role as Speaker, a move initiated by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) due to McCarthy’s collaboration with Democrats on the spending bill.

Mace hinted that she may not be the only Republican dissatisfied with McCarthy, stating, “I think there are about a dozen or so Republicans that will support the motion to vacate.” She even speculated that McCarthy might rely on Democratic support to keep his position. Clearly frustrated, Mace expressed her disappointment, saying, “When I look you in the eye and I shake your hand and I make a promise, I expect you to keep it too.”

However, when asked about her own stance on the motion to vacate, Mace remained noncommittal. “I haven’t decided yet what I’m going to do. You know, we’ll see,” she responded.

It’s no surprise that Mace’s remarks highlight the internal tensions within the GOP and the challenges its leadership is facing. Just today, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) came out in support of Gaetz amidst rumors of his possible expulsion. In a statement, Greene warned that any attempt by Republicans to expel Gaetz “absolutely will not be tolerated by Republicans across the country.”

With an ongoing ethics probe hanging over his head, Gaetz has consistently maintained his innocence. However, the investigation, which includes allegations of sexual misconduct, illicit drug use, and potential public corruption, could put McCarthy in a tough spot as Speaker with the Republicans holding only a narrow four-seat majority.

McCarthy fired back at Gaetz’s accusations, criticizing his colleague’s priorities. “Matt voted against the most conservative ability to protect our border, secure the border. He’s more interested in securing TV interviews than doing something,” McCarthy pointed out. He also accused Gaetz of trying to push for a government shutdown and concluded by challenging him to bring it on. “Let’s get over with it and let’s start governing,” McCarthy declared.

As the showdown between Gaetz and McCarthy heats up, it’s clear that the GOP is in the midst of a power struggle. Only time will tell how this internal strife will ultimately impact their ability to govern and uphold conservative values.

Written by Staff Reports

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