In a shocking move that has conservatives shaking their heads, the Washington State Supreme Court has done away with the time-honored tradition of the bar exam for aspiring lawyers. That’s right, folks, the very test that has been used for years to ensure that only the most qualified individuals practice law has been tossed out the window. And why, you ask? Well, apparently, the powers that be believe it was just too darn hard for certain groups to pass.
… How soon before the AMA does away with the last 2 years of med school for the same reasons…
Washington Supreme Court Rules Bar Exam Negatively Impacts Minorities, Will No Longer Require It For Lawyers via @dailycaller
— Joe Biden Showered With His Own Daughter (@realGregKarnes) March 19, 2024
According to the Bar Licensure Task Force, the exam was deemed as being only minimally effective at measuring competency and was deemed as a barrier to marginalized communities who dream of becoming attorneys. But come on now, isn’t the whole point of the bar exam to make sure that our legal professionals are top-notch and know what they’re doing? By removing this requirement, are we not potentially putting the quality of our legal system at risk? As a conservative, it’s hard not to see this as a misguided attempt at political correctness gone too far.
And it’s not just Washington jumping on this bandwagon. Oregon already took the leap, and now Washington is following suit. Other states like Minnesota, Nevada, South Dakota, and Utah are also considering alternative methods for licensing lawyers. What’s next, letting anyone who watches a season of “Law & Order” practice law? It’s a slippery slope, folks.
Under this new system in Washington, aspiring lawyers can now skip the grueling bar exam and opt for a six-month apprenticeship program paired with some courses. Sure, practical experience is important, but shouldn’t passing a standardized exam also be a requirement? This new approach may open the floodgates to a flood of unqualified lawyers flooding the market.
In the end, it’s clear that this decision to eliminate the bar exam is a misguided attempt to promote diversity at the expense of meritocracy. As conservatives, it’s important to push back against these kinds of decisions that prioritize political correctness over competency. Let’s hope that the legal profession doesn’t suffer as a result of this ill-conceived move.