
NY Dems Wage War on Chick-fil-A’s Sunday Sanctity!

A group of Democrat politicians, led by state Rep. Tony Simone, is trying to force several Chick-fil-A restaurants to stay open on Sundays. That’s right, they’re trying to meddle with a private company’s business practices and it’s not sitting well with freedom-loving Americans.

The bill, called the Rest Stop Restaurant Act, aims to make all food and beverage joints along the State Thruway and at the Port Authority in New York and New Jersey stay open seven days a week. And who do these Democrats have in their crosshairs? Seven Chick-fil-A locations, known for their delicious chicken sandwiches and unwavering commitment to their Christian values.

Simone and his buddies are claiming that it’s not fair for these restaurants to close on Sundays, especially in places meant to serve travelers. They argue that it’s a disservice and inconvenience to people on the go. Everyone knows that Chick-fil-A closes on Sundays as part of their religious beliefs. 

The whole thing gets even more ridiculous when Simone starts spouting off about people wanting to eat somewhere other than their relatives’ homes and how it’s “ridiculous” for a restaurant to close on Sundays, which apparently is a busy travel day. But let’s get real here, folks. Chick-fil-A has the right to operate their business according to their beliefs, and Democrats trying to force them to stay open on Sundays is just plain un-American.

Chick-fil-A had already signed a 33-year contract with the Thruway before this bill came along. Not to mention, the restaurant is known for its Christian values and has never hidden the fact that they’re closed on Sundays. Yet, these New York Democrats think they can just waltz in and dictate how a private company should run its business.


Written by Staff Reports

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