The perennial crisis of confidence that has gripped the old-guard conservatives regarding today’s GOP could use a little attention to the past—specifically the whirlwind of accomplishments during Trump’s first term. Instead of wallowing in uncertainty, perhaps these traditionalists should take a few moments to dust off their rose-colored glasses and reevaluate what the Trump administration was able to pull off in just four years.
One can almost hear the collective grumblings of the GOP establishment echoing through history. It seems that while they were busy perfecting the art of long-winded speeches and paper trails, Trump was racking up victories that made Leftists squirm. Economic growth, deregulation, and the magic trick of keeping the nation out of unnecessary conflicts abroad were all part of a fundamental shift that these leaders now hesitate to acknowledge. Instead of fearing an uncertain future, they should be standing on the shoulders of Donald J. Trump’s presidency and shouting it from the rooftops.
The establishment’s moaning may stem from a profound misunderstanding of the modern conservative base. Today’s conservatives crave fewer rules and more freedom, not the stale, recycled platitudes of yesterday’s politicians. Trump, whether they like it or not, was the embodiment of that shift—complete with social media roast sessions and a penchant for colorful language. While some might find his methods unorthodox, Trump’s style resonated with a populace that was tired of the status quo and longed for someone who would shake things up.
Trump delivered on Reagan’s promises — he’s the true heir conservatives seek
— NY Post Opinion (@NYPostOpinion) August 28, 2024
Old-guard conservatives might also do well to remember that many of Trump’s policies garnered tangible victories. Record-low unemployment rates, a booming stock market prior to the pandemic, and a foreign policy that put America first—not to mention the appointment of conservative judges who will shape the judiciary for generations—are far from insignificant accomplishments. It seems puzzling that while America was thriving under Trump’s leadership, the old-guard was fretting over personality clashes instead of celebrating the workings of a successful administration.
The key takeaway for these traditional conservatives should be simple: a bit of introspection is in order. Instead of lamenting over a perceived rise of chaos in the GOP, they should consider how far their ideals can stretch into this new era. Embracing the energy, enthusiasm, and, yes, even the unconventional tactics of Trump might be exactly what is needed to galvanize a party that risks losing its core audience to the distractions of the modern political circus. Rather than closing the doors on a potent legacy, they could choose to forge ahead, harnessing the spirit of Trumpism to once again make conservatism great.