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Outrage Grows as Public Demands Action Against Useless Politicians

In recent years, college campuses in America have morphed from institutions of learning into full-blown amusement parks of woke ideology, where intellectual roller coasters twist and turn through the dizzying heights of leftist indoctrination. Once designed to prepare students for careers in respectable fields like engineering and accounting, universities now focus more on training young minds to become loyal fans of the Church of Wokeness. It seems these professors have cracked the code: to mold impressionable minds, just sprinkle a little Marxist fairy dust and watch as students trade in their family values for the latest social justice fad.

Take a moment to observe the sheer absurdity of it all. College students, out from under the watchful eyes (and wallets) of their parents, are being shepherded into a herd of unquestioning sheep. Anti-establishment sentiments typically associated with youthful rebellion have been cunningly pitched as support for pro-establishment activities. A 12-to-1 liberal-to-conservative faculty ratio doesn’t exactly suggest a balanced dialogue, but why bother with free speech when you can exchange it for a “safe space” where students can bask in the glow of their own collective outrage?

These days, the most daring act a student can engage in isn’t pulling an all-nighter to study for midterms—it’s daring to follow Alex Jones on Twitter or occasionally singing along to a rap song that happens to contain “problematic” words. Just ask K. Cashu, the Parkland student whose spirited disagreement with liberal gun control advocates led Harvard to rescind his acceptance after some years-old text messages surfaced. Redemption is off the table when the woke mob is waiting in the wings, eagerly sharpening their pitchforks and brandishing their cancel cards.

The hyper-vigilance against perceived bias has reached mind-boggling levels. Universities now boast ‘bias hotlines,’ where students are encouraged to report anything that stings their sensitive economic privilege. Funny jokes? Potential violence. An outdated stereotype? That’s a disciplinary infraction right there! Schools are so eager to avoid offending anyone that they’ve turned into hyperbolic echo chambers, echoing the mantra of grievance while employing an ever-growing army of campus thought police.

Even within the swirling nonsense, a new trend has emerged: resegregation. Yes, students, buoyed by a flood of anti-white sentiment, now clamor for black-only dorms and separate graduation ceremonies because sharing the spotlight with their white counterparts is just too much to bear. What happened to the dreams of the civil rights movement? If they could witness the current state of our universities, they might just roll over in their graves—though it would be hard to hear their groans over the raucous cries for “more representation” and “less whiteness” on every wall on campus.

As universities continue to chase after the latest headline-grabbing trends, one has to wonder: is all this chaos truly a ‘higher education’ or just a glorified daycare with a side of indoctrination? While it’s clear that college is a mixed bag of pros and cons, prospective students should tread carefully before diving headfirst into this ideological circus. With the expected student loan debt bearing down like an angry parent and the prospect of over-correction looming large, maybe it’s time for a serious reevaluation of what university should deliver—and whether in the process, we’ll somehow stumble back toward genuine education instead of radicalization.

Written by Staff Reports

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