
Pastor Survives Attempted Shooting, Heroic Deacon Thwarts Gunman

Pastor Glenn Germany, from the Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, dodged a dangerous situation during Sunday’s sermon when a unknown assailant pointed a gun at him and tried to shoot him. Germany explained that the gun malfunctioned, saving him from harm, and that he was able to escape the situation unharmed. He expressed disbelief at the incident, mentioning that he had never seen the perpetrator before.

Deacon Clarence McCallister, 63, who was recording the sermon, reacted swiftly and bravely. Upon noticing the threat, he jumped in and tackled the gunman to the ground, allowing Germany to wrestle the gun away from the assailant. Both men then held the attacker down until the police arrived, averting a potential disaster.

Germany commended McCallister for his selfless and courageous act, calling him a hero. He expressed his gratitude for McCallister’s intervention, acknowledging the risks the deacon took to protect everyone present. Germany also mentioned that the gunman claimed to have been influenced by voices in his head, affirming that he feels fortunate to have escaped the perilous situation.

This incident, which could have ended in tragedy, highlights the importance of fast thinking and bravery in the face of danger. The quick actions of Deacon McCallister prevented a possible tragedy at the church, underscoring the necessity for vigilance and response in such situations.

Written by Staff Reports

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